Loughborough University and College Union branch (LUCU) works with Loughborough University on policies, procedures and practices that affect the performance and well-being of its members. We are officially recognised as the sole negotiating body for Academic and Academic Related staff. We provide support and advice to our members when they feel that they are not receiving fair, equal and respectful treatment.
We work hard to represent members’ interests in areas such as: Health and Safety and Occupational Health policies and procedures, Car parking charges, Stress policy, Staff Survey and its outcomes, and Departmental workload agreements.
We have also contributed to national campaigns and action on issues such as: Pensions, Pay, Casualisation & Equality Pay Gaps.
We are keen to be involved in any institutional initiative that may affect our members’ work performance, social life and dignity.
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Saying No with Confidence Webinar
When: Wednesday 4 June, 4-5pm This webinar, hosted by East Midlands UCU, has been developed to support members in taking a collective approach to push back on workloads. Attendees will […]