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LUCU is marking International Women’s Day with a discussion about feminist research at Loughborough. The histories of the women’s movement and the labour movement are deeply intertwined. The originally named International Working Women’s Day is at the intersection of the two, inspired by demonstrations for women’s enfranchisement and right to form our own trade unions. IWD should therefore be about more than celebrating women’s achievements or advocating for more women in leadership. As Bonnie Kreps argued, who wants a bigger slice of a ‘rotten pie’? 1
This event will begin with feminist researchers across the institution giving short insights into their current work:
Angela Martinez Dy (Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship)
Surya Monro (Professor of Sociology and Social Policy)
Hilary Robinson (Professor of Feminism, Art and Theory)
Pandora Syperek (Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Institute for Creative Futures)
Inês Varela-Silva (Senior Lecturer in Human Biology)
Gemma Witcomb (Reader in Gendered Experiences and Wellbeing)
This will be followed by an open forum for all attendees to discuss the current climate for feminist research, and the role of feminism within the trade union movement.
Open to all, members and non-members, women and non-women. Join us and be part of the conversation!
#IWD25 #breadandroses