Interested in helping yourself and your colleagues by getting involved in the work of Lboro UCU? Please read below for information on the various opportunities open to our branch members.
Become a LUCU Department Rep
LUCU Department Reps serve as essential ‘on the ground’ points of contact for members. You can find a list of current Reps and vacancies, here. If you might be interested in serving as a Rep for your area and would like to know more about what the role entails, we encourage you to talk to either our Branch Organiser, Callum Salfield, or our Reps Network Lead, Scott Fernie. You can also find out more about the role by looking at this Reps Job Description.
Become a LUCU Caseworker
LUCU’s caseworkers support our members facing a variety of difficult situations at work. We are always looking for more people to join our dedicated team. Full training and shadowing of an existing caseworker will be provided. If anyone would like to get involved in this crucial work, or for further information about the role, please contact our Personal Casework Coordinator.
Join a LUCU Working Group or Campaign Group
Lboro UCU are working on various campaigns and issues. Please follow the link to our Working Group Contacts page for information about each group, and contact details for the member heading up our work in that area. Please contact the listed member if you have any questions about the area of work or want to get involved.
Join the LUCU Branch Committee
The Branch Committee is elected annually at our AGM (normally in in June or July) and the term of office starts every 1st August. You can be nominated for a committee role ahead of our AGM and details are sent to all members approximately 6 weeks before the AGM. Committee members get Facilities Time (time out of your day job to do union work at your normal rate of pay) and the amount of time differs depending on the role.
There are opportunities to join the committee in-between AGMs. The committee can appoint members to any vacant Officer roles during a term of office. The committee can also co-opt up to 4 Ordinary Committee Members during a year. You can see which Officer roles, if any, are currently vacant here. Ordinary Committee Members take part in committee meetings and have the same voting rights as Branch Officers, however they do not normally have a defined portfolio and will occasionally pick up smaller pieces of work for the branch. These are particularly good roles for those without much Union experience but who want to get more involved, and can be a good first step towards taking on an Officer Role.
For more information on any of the Officer roles or the Ordinary Committee Member role, please get in touch with either our Branch Organiser, Callum Salfield, or one of our current Branch Officers / Committee Members whose contact details can be found here.