UCU exists to support our members. We do this in a variety of ways, but all of them are based on the principle that “together, we’re stronger”. Often this means negotiating with the University management to improve things for staff as a whole. Sometimes, it means offering advice, support and representation to you individually. Many of us will have times when we need support due to pressure, stress, workplace bullying, workload or any number of problems.
There are many sources of support that can help in a variety of ways within the union and externally. Some of these are focussed on workplace problems but others can help with personal issues as well.
UCU Support
General Enquiries
For general branch enquiries, please email the branch: ucu@lboro.ac.uk.
You may be able to find the answers to your questions, here, on the national UCU website Support Centre.
You can also contact the Department Rep for your work area who can answer your questions or bring your concerns to the Branch Committee.
Personal Casework
Loughborough UCU has a team of experienced and trained personal caseworkers. These are volunteer members from within our branch who are able to help on a one to one basis in a number of ways, from a quick chat offering advice and information to official union representation in situations such as sickness absence, disciplinary, grievance or redundancy procedures.
If you have a problem at work which you would like to discuss in confidence, or you believe that you might need union representation, please contact your Department Rep or our Personal Casework Coordinator.
We can also access regional and national resources such as legal advice where necessary.
Please Note: Due to the high demand, you may have to wait until a caseworker is available to take on your case. You have the right to request that disciplinary or grievance meetings are postponed until a caseworker is able to accompany you. In order to access a caseworker, you must be an existing member of UCU , normally for no less than 90 days. Full representation will not normally be offered regarding problems which arose before membership began. Members who have lapsed from membership and do not re-join until they need assistance may only be offered limited advice or representation in line with that afforded to new members.
Health and Safety
Please contact our Health, Safety & Environment Officer with any Health & Safety concerns. You can find contact details for our Health, Safety & Environment Officer here.
UCU Legal Scheme
Like all unions, UCU tries to resolve members’ employment related disputes through negotiations at local level. However, there are times when members require legal advice or where disputes cannot be resolved locally.
The UCU Legal Scheme provides legal support and representation on matters arising in connection with a member’s employment, professional duties or trade union activities. In the first instance members should seek advice from the local association. You may be referred to the UCU Legal Scheme where appropriate. You must be a member of UCU, with subscriptions up to date.
Education Support
Education Support offers practical and emotional support for staff all staff in further and higher education and their families, including:
- Counselling: confidential, solution-focused counselling on personal and workplace issues
- One-to-one coaching: personalised practical and emotional support via a secure email system
- Information, advice and support material: news, guides and factsheets on relevant topics such as well-being, work-life balance, workload problems, stress management, coping with bereavement, and dealing with difficult people
- Financial assistance: a needs-based grants and loans programme
- Money management advice: individually tailored strategies to address financial difficulties, restructure debt and secure benefits
- Signposting to relevant organisations: the information you need to take the next steps to a better future.
All these services can be accessed online at https://www.educationsupport.org.uk/ or via a 24/7 telephone support line: 08000 562 561.
The Samaritans
If you need someone to talk to, contact a Samaritan. Whatever you’re going through, you can call them any time, from any phone for free on 116 123.
You can also contact a Samaritan by email, writing a letter, online chat or in person, for more details please see here.