Union Recognition

Loughborough UCU, along with the Loughborough branches of Unite the Union and Unison, have a joint union recognition agreement in place with Loughborough University.

What is a Recognition Agreement?

A union recognition agreement is a formal agreement between an employer and the unions of which its staff are members. It names the unions who have rights to represent and negotiate and collectively bargain on behalf of employees in that workplace.

A recognition agreement will make clear whether a particular union has sole negotiating rights for a bargaining group, or whether the employer recognises two or more unions jointly. The agreement also outlines the union’s role, the scope of its representation, and the framework for industrial relations.

Loughborough Partnership & Recognition Agreement

The Partnership and Recognition Agreement for Loughborough University and its campus trade unions – UCU, Unison and Unite the Union – is updated periodically.

You can read the latest version here.

Although the unions work collectively on issues that affect all staff, the Loughborough Partnership & Recognition Agreement splits the negotiating rights for each union as follows:

  • University and College Union (UCU): for Research grade 5 and all other staff groups grades 6 and above.
  • Unite the Union: for Technical services staff grades 2-5.
  • Unison: for all other job families grades 1–5 (excluding research grade 5).