Some colleagues may be interested in applying to serve as REF 2029 Main Panel Chairs. The call for applications is as follows:
“Focusing on improving diversity in REF 2029 and encouraging people from underrepresented groups to apply. Evaluation from REF 2021 provides information on diversity in the exercise. Similarly, disciplinary specific inequalities might inform your approach. Please consider the full range of protected characteristics.
The Main Panel Chairs will hold overall responsibility for the REF 2029 main panels and play a key role in recruiting and developing the REF main panels and sub-panels. They will work and advise on the development and delivery of the exercise with the other main panel chairs, providing advice to the REF team and Steering Group. They will provide visible leadership for the REF panels and undertake an ambassadorial role for REF 2029 in the sector.”
You can find more information on the roles on the REF website. The application deadline is noon on Thursday 26 September 2024.