Tag: Training

  • Leicester & District Trades Union Council Events

    Your Rights, The Law, and Empowerment Event

    Unite Community Leicester has organised an event “Your Rights, The Law, and Empowerment” on Sunday 19th January 2025 from 11am – 4pm. Everyone is welcome to join them at: Secular Hall, 75 Humberstone Gate, Leicester (LE1 1WB).

    Lawyers will give three presentations to update you on laws around protest and strike action, with each focusing on one of the following topics: “Unions”, “Palestine” and “Climate & Ecological Emergency”. The event is supported by Leicester & District Trades Union Council (L&DTUC). For more information, please see this flyer.

    Organising the next Workers Memorial Day

    The Health, Safety and Welfare (HSW) subcommittee of Leicester & District Trades Union Council (L&DTUC) will meet to start organising the next Workers Memorial Day event. The meeting will be on Tuesday 21st January 2025 starting at 6pm and, it’s hoped, will not last much more than an hour. All trade unionists are welcome. You do not need to be a trades council delegate to get involved. The organising meeting will be held on Zoom. If you’re interested in contributing, please use this link to join the meeting.

  • Decarbonise & Decolonise CPD Training (Rescheduled)

    Lboro UCU branch has re-organised the CPD workshop, open to all LU staff, which will introduce participants to the interconnectivity of the Decarbonise and Decolonise agendas and identify opportunities to take action. Masters and PhD students at LU are also welcome to attend the session.

    The CPD course will now take place online on 5th February from 12:30 – 2pm. Please come along and invite your colleagues (including those who may not be UCU members) to join us. This can be used as evidence of training, and some staff might also find the workshop helpful for feeding into their PDR EDI Performance Objectives.

    The workshop will give an overview of climate justice, and how this links to the concepts of ‘decolonising’ and ‘decarbonising’ as the structural and systemic roots of the human-induced climate crisis. We will explore examples of climate injustice, and how this often intersects with issues like race, gender, class and indigeneity.

    We will also look at examples of when sustainability actions and initiatives have not taken an intersectional approach, with discussions on how we can avoid this in education to create sustainability activities that recognise and work to challenge the harmful legacies of colonialism and imperialism.

    The full aims of the interactive workshop are to:

    • provide an introductory understanding of climate justice and its connection with decolonising and decarbonising
    • support participants to identify opportunities to apply decolonising and decarbonising for climate justice to the education sector
    • encourage participants to develop their own practice to consider climate justice and intersectionality
    • explore the role of UCU branches and members in mobilising action for decolonising and decarbonising.

    Sign up to the training here and please share this link with any other staff at Lboro who may be interested in coming along – https://cpd.web.ucu.org.uk/events/ucu-decarbonise-and-decolonise-loughborough-2/

  • Decarbonise & Decolonise CPD Training

    Decarbonise & Decolonise CPD Training

    Lboro UCU branch has re-organised the CPD workshop, open to all LU staff, which will introduce participants to the interconnectivity of the Decarbonise and Decolonise agendas and identify opportunities to take action.

    The CPD course will now take place online on 5th February from 12:30 – 2pm. Please come along and invite your colleagues (including those who may not be UCU members) to join us. This can be used as evidence of training, and some staff might also find the workshop helpful for feeding into their PDR EDI Performance Objectives.

    The workshop will give an overview of climate justice, and how this links to the concepts of ‘decolonising’ and ‘decarbonising’ as the structural and systemic roots of the human-induced climate crisis. We will explore examples of climate injustice, and how this often intersects with issues like race, gender, class and indigeneity.

    We will also look at examples of when sustainability actions and initiatives have not taken an intersectional approach, with discussions on how we can avoid this in education to create sustainability activities that recognise and work to challenge the harmful legacies of colonialism and imperialism.

    The full aims of the interactive workshop are to:

    • provide an introductory understanding of climate justice and its connection with decolonising and decarbonising
    • support participants to identify opportunities to apply decolonising and decarbonising for climate justice to the education sector
    • encourage participants to develop their own practice to consider climate justice and intersectionality
    • explore the role of UCU branches and members in mobilising action for decolonising and decarbonising.

    Sign up to the training here and please share this link with any other staff at Lboro who may be interested in coming along – https://cpd.web.ucu.org.uk/events/ucu-decarbonise-and-decolonise-loughborough-2/

  • Decarbonise & Decolonise CPD Training

    Lboro UCU branch has organised a CPD workshop, open to all LU staff, which will introduce participants to the interconnectivity of the Decarbonise and Decolonise agendas and identify opportunities to take action.

    The CPD course will take place online on 11th December from 12:30 – 2pm. Please come along and invite your colleagues (including those who may not be UCU members) to join us.

    This can be used as evidence of training, and some staff might also find the workshop helpful for feeding into their PDR EDI Performance Objectives.

    The workshop will give an overview of climate justice, and how this links to the concepts of ‘decolonising’ and ‘decarbonising’ as the structural and systemic roots of the human-induced climate crisis. We will explore examples of climate injustice, and how this often intersects with issues like race, gender, class and indigeneity.

    We will also look at examples of when sustainability actions and initiatives have not taken an intersectional approach, with discussions on how we can avoid this in education to create sustainability activities that recognise and work to challenge the harmful legacies of colonialism and imperialism.

    The full aims of the interactive workshop are to:

    • provide an introductory understanding of climate justice and its connection with decolonising and decarbonising
    • support participants to identify opportunities to apply decolonising and decarbonising for climate justice to the education sector
    • encourage participants to develop their own practice to consider climate justice and intersectionality
    • explore the role of UCU branches and members in mobilising action for decolonising and decarbonising.

    Sign up to the training here and please share this link with any other staff at Lboro who may be interested in coming along – https://cpd.web.ucu.org.uk/events/ucu-decarbonise-and-decolonise-loughborough/

  • LU “Planning for Retirement” Training

    Loughborough University Organisational Development have shared details of a new ‘Planning for Retirement’ Workshop session which will run on 19th December (9:30 – 12:30) via Microsoft Teams.

    Workshop overview:

    To encourage a positive and realistic approach to a financially secure retirement and help employees make informed choices about retirement. Employees, regardless of grade considering retirement or for those who have just started thinking about retirement plans.

    During the course you’ll learn how to:

    • Help you plan for the lifestyle changes ahead
    • Maximise the benefits of your State and workplace pensions
    • Make the most of your tax-free cash
    • Understand the income options available from your pension
    • Achieve your retirement goals.

    You can book onto this training via the My.HR website under the Learning Section. If you can’t attend this date but still would like to attend a session at some point, please select ‘Add to Waiting list’ on the bottom of that page and you should receive a notification if more sessions are added.

  • Becoming a LUCU Caseworker

    We have written before in the newsletter about the important work done by the Branch’s volunteer caseworkers in support of members facing a variety of difficult situations at work. We are always looking for more people to join the team. There is an “Introduction to Casework” training session, organised by UCU regionally, taking place online on 14th November. If you are wanting to join the casework team, you would benefit from attending this session. If anyone is interested in finding out more about the training course and about what our caseworkers do, please contact our Casework Coordinator, Andrew Dix (A.Dix@lboro.ac.uk).

  • Response to transphobic statements in Rishi Sunak’s conference speech

    Colleagues and Students,

    You may be aware that Rishi Sunak made transphobic comments in his speech to the Tory conference this week, stating “we shouldn’t get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be. They can’t.  A man is a man and a woman is a woman. That’s just common sense.”  As an academic community we recognise that the Appeal to Common Sense is a logical fallacy employed in desperation when an assertion cannot be properly defended.

    As the committees for Loughborough UCU branch, and the Staff LGBT+ Network, we would like to make absolutely clear that we condemn Rishi Sunak’s comments.  We recognise that gender is a complex, multi-dimensional aspect of everyone’s identity, and is unique to each of us.  To characterise the experience of being transgender as “being any sex [you] want” is a deliberate over-simplification and mis-representation designed to scapegoat a marginalised community for populist appeal. As is the suggestion that this group are “bullying” the majority.  And while anti-trans sentiments are often portrayed as defending women, they are in fact propping up patriarchy and the disempowerment of women, by emphasising the idea that men and women are fundamentally and radically different.  We support members and non-members of any gender identity; everyone is part of our community.  We are also committed to playing a key role in shaping and delivering the University’s EDI agenda, which includes recognition, respect and support for all individuals in their gender identity. 

    If you are interested in learning more about the complexity and nuance of gender identity, we recommend the LGBT Awareness course available through Organisational Development and presented by LUCU Treasurer and LGBT+ Network Trans and Non-binary Lead, David Wilson, as well as their post on the University’s LGBT Blog Trans visibility as an act of resistance.

    In solidarity

    Loughborough UCU Committee

    LGBT+ Staff Network Committee

  • Training – Understanding the role of a LUCU Caseworker

    We have written before about the important work done by the Branch’s volunteer caseworkers in support of members facing a variety of difficult situations at work. We are always looking for more people to join the team and, by way of initial preparation, ask only that you attend a short online training course delivered by one of UCU’s Regional officers. Even if you are not sure that you want to become a caseworker, please join us to find out if it’s a role that would interest you in the future.

    The next training session will be on Teams on Tuesday 17 January, from 2 to 5 pm. Members of the current casework team will be among those attending. If anyone would like to participate, please contact our Casework Coordinator Andrew Dix (A.Dix@lboro.ac.uk) for further details. Andrew will also be pleased to talk with you about the caseworker role more generally.

    LUCU Committee

  • Updates on Industrial Action & MAB Training

    LUCU General Meeting & UCU Branch Delegates Meeting (BDM) Results

    The results of the voting at our branch meeting combined with email responses were as follows (abstentions mean the results do not add up to 100%):

    Escalating strike action – 67%MAB Jan 2023 – 35%Immediate Re-ballot Yes – 76%
    Indefinite strike action – 13%MAB April 2023 – 42%Immediate Re-ballot No – 6%

    At the Branch Delegates Meeting, our branch delegates cast LUCU’s votes as follows: for escalating strike action, for MAB April and for re ballot. The voting at the BDM was in line with LUCU voting and the results have now been released:

    Escalating strike action – 57%MAB Jan 2023 – 26%Immediate Re-ballot Yes – 91%
    Indefinite strike action – 31%MAB April 2023 – 56%Immediate Re-ballot No – 4%

    Full question/answer text and results of the BDM can be found here.

    The next steps are for the results from the BDM to go to the HEC on Thursday for consideration with the aim of a clear outcome from HEC on our next steps in the dispute. We will let you know as soon as we have the outcome.

    Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB) Training

    We strongly encourage members to attend one of the two upcoming sessions on Marking and Assessment Boycott training. Please pre-register for one of the following 90 minute online training sessions held later today and Friday:

    • Session 1 – Wednesday 11 January – 16:00 to 17:30 – Register here
    • Session 2 – Friday 13 January – 10:00 to 11:30 – Register here

    LUCU Committee

  • December 2022 Newsletter

    This month we report on industrial action, caseworker training, and local negotiations.

    UCU Rising Update

    We would like to thank members who took part in pickets at the Loughborough Midland and London campuses – the turnout was fantastic!  Our branch also made a good showing at the virtual picket, and members helped swell the numbers at the London Rally on 30 Nov.

    We would like to remind members that Action Short of Strike – ASOS began on Wednesday 23 November and will continue until further notice.  ASOS entails:

    1. working to contract;
    2. not covering for absent colleagues;
    3. removing uploaded materials related to, and/or not sharing materials related to, lectures or classes that will be or have been cancelled as a result of strike action;
    4. not rescheduling lectures or classes cancelled due to strike action;
    5. not undertaking any voluntary activities.

    It can be difficult to ascertain the duties that fall under ASOS. If you are unsure whether a task is covered by ASOS, or if you feel that you are being pressured to undertake work that is covered by ASOS, please contact your area Rep – you can find their contact details here: https://tinyurl.com/3hw4h6sb

    Casework training 

    We reported in our last newsletter on the scale of personal casework undertaken in support of our members. Additional volunteers to join the casework team are always very welcome. If anyone is interested in taking on this role, then please come along to an online training session that will be delivered for the branch by UCU’s Regional Office from 2-5 pm on Tuesday 17 January. From past experience, this will be a friendly and supportive occasion; existing members of the casework team will also be attending. Anyone who would like to take part in the session should contact our Personal Casework Coordinator Andrew Dix (A.Dix@lboro.ac.uk) for further details. Andrew will also be happy to meet with anyone to discuss more generally the personal caseworker role. 

    Local Negotiations

    UCEA Consultation on Pay: As you may be aware from Jo Grady’s recent comms, the strikes have brought the employers back to the table to discuss pay and working conditions. Loughborough management recognizes the need to reward staff fairly for the University to retain and recruit staff.  We can report that management responded to the consultation carried out by UCEA in November in favour of bringing forward the March pay negotiation round.  This has been agreed by UCEA and the unions at a national level and negotiations regarding the 2023/24 pay round will commence in December with the aim of being concluded by the end of January. 

    Working Group on Pay, Pensions and Workload: The new working group to explore how Loughborough University might address the issues at the heart of the industrial disputes held constructive meetings in November and December.  The first meeting refined the group’s objectives and scope, while the second meeting followed up on national developments and preliminary plans to make meaningful changes to local teaching loads and modelling good practice around evenings and weekends.  The group will meet monthly, and we will keep members informed on progress via the newsletter.

    Review of Promotions Process and Criteria: As part of the consultation regarding the promotions process and criteria, LUCU recommended an additional focus group to capture the experience of colleagues with disabilities. The focus group has met, and the views expressed will inform the final draft documentation that will be submitted to for approval by Senate and Council. We would like to thank Lisanne Gibson (Dean SSH) and Chris Reily Dean (AACME) for working with us to facilitate this additional focus group.

    Working with LSU:  We are pleased to report that the first meeting between LUCU, Loughborough Students’ Union (LSU) and University senior management will take place in January.  We look forward to working collaboratively with student union Reps alongside management to progress matters of common interest.

    Health and Safety – Rest Breaks:  We raised the issue of back-to-back Teams’ meetings with management following reports from members of difficulties experienced after spending too much time in front of a screen without a break.  We would like to thank management for actioning a change to Outlook so that meetings are scheduled by default for 25 or 50 minutes.  This cannot be automated across all computers, so staff are advised set up their own Outlook accounts if they wish meetings to follow this pattern.

    Instructions below:

    Open Outlook and go to the “File” tab at the top of the page and select “Options” at the bottom on the left-hand side

    Click on “Calendar”

    Put a tick in the box next to “Shorten Meetings and Appointments”.

    Select “End Early” in the drop-down list next to this

    Next to “Less than one hour” select 5 minutes from the drop-down box

    Next to “One hour or more” select 10 minutes from the drop-down box

    Click Ok

    A communication has also gone out to line managers so that large group meetings are also scheduled to allow staff time away from the screen between Teams meetings.

    Have a great break over the holidays and a very happy new year!

    LUCU Committee