University Town Hall

LUCU requested more opportunities for members to hear first-hand about major strategic developments at the University and to ask questions of SMT, and we welcome the introduction of Town Halls, led by Professor Chris Linton, the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. These interactive sessions are designed to enable academic colleagues to learn about how the new University strategy relates to their roles and to feed back.

The first Town Hall took place on 4 September, and it provided a good opportunity for colleagues to provide input into how the University might improve the experience of academic colleagues.  Key issues discussed were:

  • The introduction of an annual staff survey to create a dataset about work experience;
  • A working group to reform management structures in academic schools with the aim of moving away from flat structures;
  • A move toward a single academic job family that will provide greater opportunities for reward and recognition, as well as promotion, for UTs and those on research contracts;
  • An action plan to develop a dedicated programme for inducting international staff, including practical help in settling locally;
  • An action plan to develop a diversity pipeline to encourage more applications from people with protected characteristics and a programme to foster their career development at Loughborough, linked to eliminating pay gaps as much as possible;
  • The work SMT does within UUK and UCEA to further sustainability within the sector by lobbying for a reform to the fees structure.

We strongly encourage members to attend any future Town Halls and ensure that the union voice is fully considered in decisions about the University’s strategic aims.

Town Halls focused on the experience of colleagues in professional services, led by the Chief Operating Officer, Richard Taylor, are also planned.