LUCU Reps Network

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Meeting for Department Reps

Drop-in Meeting for Staff on Non Permanent or Casualised Contracts

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

A drop-in meeting for members of staff who are on non permanent or  casualised contracts ie: Fixed Term, Zero Hours, Hourly Paid or Variable Hours. We are keen to offer you a safe space to discuss any concerns or issues you are having in the workplace and an opportunity to build links between workers with

LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members and departmental reps can attend. Currently held online.

LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members and departmental reps can attend. Currently held online.

LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members and departmental reps can attend. Currently held online.

LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members and departmental reps can attend. Currently held online.

LUCU Annual General Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

LUCU Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all members. The topic(s) of the meeting and an agenda will be provided to all LUCU members two weeks before the meeting. This meeting will be held online.

LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members invited. Department Reps can attend by request. Currently held online.

LUCU Extraordinary General Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

LUCU Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for all members. This meeting will have a single main item to debate and vote on a motion that didn't get heard (due to time running out) at our recent AGM. An agenda will be provided to all LUCU members a week before the meeting. This meeting will be held

LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members invited. Department Reps can attend by request. Currently held online.