Approaching retirement? Become a Retired Member
If you are coming up to retirement we recommend that you consider remaining a member of UCU and join the UCU East Midlands Retired Members Branch. UCU now has an active Retired Members’ Branch for the East Midlands Region. It gives you an opportunity to remain part of the union movement and be informed of issues of importance to retired members. Several retired members continue to actively contribute to the activities of the Loughborough branch adding the wealth of their experience to our work.
Branch Meetings
The branch meetings are held termly and the venue rotates around the East Midlands including Loughborough. The meetings are held from 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. and include a speaker on topics of interest to retired members such as pensions, age discrimination, problems of aging and legislation. Most members stay afterwards for a sociable lunch. The meetings give a good opportunity to talk to other retired members from around the region.
Retired members receive a termly newsletter on issues of interest to retired members. The newsletter has been well received regionally and nationally within the union by both retired and working union members.
Retired members are entitled to most of the same benefits as other members, including receiving the UCU magazine at home. The branch has been active in supporting the campaigns of the union on issues such as the cuts and deterioration in pensions. The branch operates like a normal workplace branch and sends delegates to the UCU Regional Committee and UCU Annual Congress.
Changing your Membership
To change your membership to retired, send an email to letting them know you are retiring and wish to join the East Midlands Retired Members Branch. Include your home address and email. It is important that you enter your home email address to assist with dissemination of information. Much of membership information now goes out by email within the branch and union. Branch newsletters will be sent out by email to you unless you do not have an email address.
How to change your Subscriptions
If you pay your subscriptions by Check Off from pay, your membership will lapse immediately that you retire because your subscription will not be paid. If you pay your subscription by Direct Debit your membership will be retained. Either way you should change your subscription to the retired rate which is £2.34 per month at present. If you were on Check Off you will need to arrange a Direct Debit via the National UCU website.
We look forward to working with you in the near future and wish you a happy retirement. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Julian Atkinson:
Secretary, East Midlands Retired Members Branch