LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members and departmental reps can attend. Currently held online.

LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members and departmental reps can attend. Currently held online.

Reps Network Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

A meeting for Department Reps. Committee members and departmental reps can attend. Held online.

UCU General Secretary Hustings

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

An election hustings for the position of UCU General Secretary organised by Loughborough University UCU. Date: January 19, 2024 Time: 12:00 – 2:00 pm Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting There are

LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members and departmental reps can attend. Currently held online.

Making Sure You Get Your USS Back Pay

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

ALL STAFF WELCOME The branch is holding an open meeting to discuss the recent changes to the USS pension scheme on Wednesday 31st January at 12:30pm. While it is important

LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members and departmental reps can attend. Currently held online.

LUCU Committee Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Branch committee meeting, committee members and departmental reps can attend. Currently held online.

LUCU General Meeting

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

LUCU General Meeting for all members. The meeting notice will be emailed out to all members two weeks before. An agenda will be provided to all LUCU members one week