Please Vote in the UCU Pay and Conditions Re-Ballot

Please Vote in the UCU Pay and Conditions Re-Ballot

This is a reminder to please exercise your democratic right to shape the union’s strategy with regard to achieving better pay and working conditions for members by voting in the current re-ballot. Please watch this recent video update from Dr Jo Grady, UCU General Secretary.

To help us spread the word and get the vote out we can send you posters to put up around your area of campus; please let us know if you would like some posters sending in the internal mail by sending an email to the branch including your name and campus location.

You should have received your paper ballot in the post already, but if you have not received one, you may request a replacement ballot, here. You can also use the same link to report that you have returned your ballot paper.

Key Dates:

  1. Friday 27 October (12:00 noon): deadline for new members to join UCU and be automatically included in the ballot
  2. Sunday 29 October (23:59): replacement ballot request form closes
  3. Tuesday 31 October: last ‘safe’ date to return the ballot by post
  4. Friday 3 November (17:00): industrial action ballot closes.

Thank you,

LUCU Committee