Tag: Professional Services

  • Academic Related Professional Services Workplace Conditions Survey

    The academic related, professional services staff (ARPS) committee is undertaking a survey of ARPS members to better understand the experiences of physical issues in your workplaces and the implementation of hybrid working by employers.

    ARPS members are asked to complete this short survey, which will inform discussions at the ARPS annual meeting on 6th March and the work of the committee in the coming year.

  • Professional Services Town Hall

    LUCU requested more opportunities for members to hear first-hand about major strategic developments at the University and to ask questions of SMT. We welcome the introduction of Town Halls as a response to that request. Richard Taylor, Chief Operating Officer led the Professional Services Town Hall designed to enable Professional Services colleagues to learn about how the new University strategy relates to their roles, to hear about other major developments and the context in which the university is operating, and to enable feedback.

    The first Professional Services Town Hall took place on 18 October, and it provided a good opportunity for colleagues to provide input into how the University might improve the experience of colleagues.  Key areas covered were:

    • The LU strategic plan.
    • An update on progress with the Enabling Programme and what it means for Professional Services staff.
    • The HE financial situation and what is planned to meet the challenge.
    • What Loughborough plans to do on Pay, Benefits, Reward and Recognition in response to the Staff Experience Survey.
    • How Professional Services are impacting success exemplified through a recent Archibus project.

    The event concluded with recognition for Professional Services staff and their achievements on specific projects.  If you missed the event, we’ve included the slides and recording here:

    Professional Services Townhall PPT

    Professional Services Townhall recording (please note you will need to login to access the recording)

    We felt the event was really well put together and really useful for staff, especially those that tend not to be as involved in the strategic-level goings-on in the University. We strongly encourage members to attend any future Town Halls to ensure that our union voice is fully considered in decisions about the University’s strategic aims.

  • General Meeting: Professional Services Workload

    You are invited to a branch general meeting on the topic of Professional Services Workload. This meeting is targeted at Professional Services staff and not all of our members will have a direct interest in this topic but all members are welcome should you be interested.

    The meeting will take place on Wednesday 3rd November from 12pm to 1pm.

    The meeting will be held on teams and the link has been sent to you by email.

    LUCU Committee